Dr. Moneshia Dashiell is a summa cum laude graduate from Christian Bible College and Seminary with a G.P.A of 4.0. She currently holds a bachelor degree of Christian education, masters of Christian education, and a doctors of Christian education. Dr. Moneshia Dashiell is certified to educate children and adults and she is proud to be a graduate of Christian education.
On February 23, 2014 Dr. Moneshia Dashiell became an International book author for the first time in her life. Dr. Moneshia Dashiell is a 2013 & 2014 Black Essence Awards Nominee and recipient. Recently Dr. Moneshia Dashiell was nominated for THE BLACK ESSENCE AWARD for international author, children’s author, and solo gospel artist of the year.
Exclusive Interview
-Please tell our readers a little about your most recent children's book and the inspiration behind it.
My most recent book is titled “My Vegetables” and the purpose of this book is to help children in Pre-k through fifth grade recognize their vegetables, their taste and where they grow in a fun way. This book will also inspire and encourage children to eat their vegetables. After reading this book children will begin to see that eating their vegetables daily will help them to function well at school.
-Along with writing children’s books, you also write christian literature. Do you have a favorite genre?
Yes, my favorite book is “My Alphabet Friends” because this book introduces the sounds and letters of the ordered alphabets to kindergarten through fifth grade children that are struggling with reading. This book also provides opportunities for: building vocabulary, developing conversation, proficiency in oral language, an increase in phonemic awareness and also sequencing. “My Alphabet Friends” presents letters of the alphabets with corresponding words, images, upper and lower case letters. I believe this book is a great opportunity for children to build their reading skills.
-How did you know you were called by God to be a Christian writer?
I knew I was called by God to be a Christian writer because writing became my priority. When I started writing God would speak to me in my writings and help me write what I needed to say in them. When I was a child I use to write letters to God and leave them on my bed for God to read. My friends would come over to play with me and they always wanted to know why I was always writing when they came over to play with me. My response to them would be "I will play another time."
-You’re an educator, correct? How does your experience as an educator help you in your career as a children’s book author?
My experience as an educator does help me in my career as a children's book author. I have come across a lot of children that just simply can not read, identify the letters of the alphabets or recognize numbers. So, as an educator I was highly motivated and moved by God to write and create books for children to help them improve in their academics.
-Let’s talk specifically about your book series, “Exposing Your Enemy Through Prayer.” Unfortunately, for many people it can be difficult to pray during tough times. Some people tend to lose faith when they are going through one of life's storms. Can you give five reasons why you believe prayer is beneficial for an individual’s healing process during a difficult time in life.
Prayer is beneficial because it helps us to believe God, it helps us to stand firm against the devil, it helps us to obtain freedom from anxiety, it helps us to obtain fullness of joy and it helps us to obtain the Holy Spirit.
-What message(s) do you hope your readers will take away from “Exposing Your Enemy Through Prayer”?
The message that I hope readers take from my book titled “Exposing Your Enemy Through Prayer book” is: Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks; for this the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the spirit. Despise not prophesying. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-22
-What’s the most surprising thing you learned about yourself as a person while writing this book series?
The most surprising thing that I have learned about myself while writing this book series is that I spend more time with God than I use to. I found myself soaking in the word of God and God's presence like never before.
-On a more personal note: Tell us a little about your “real” (non-writing) life — family, job, church life.
I am from Albany, Georgia but I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. I attended Dougherty County Public schools. I graduated from Monroe Comprehensive High School. As time passed I decided to further my education at Albany Technical College where my exciting future was waiting for me. In the year of 2004 I received my degree in ( infant/toddler child care specialist); in the year of 2005 I received my degree in (child development specialist) and in 2007 I received my degree in (early childhood care & education ).
I also attended Christian Bible College & Seminary and graduated with a doctorate degree in education. I am honored to be a child development specialist for Anne Arundel County Public schools where I educate children with learning disabilities, manage children's behavior in the classroom by establishing rules and procedures. I currently live in the state of Maryland where my anointed and handsome husband Apostle Charles Dashiell was born and raised. We have an outreach ministry and we donate all kinds of items and offer the word of God to people that are less fortune at this time. We also have two hansom sons, Giovantia West and Justus West, whom we are very proud of.
-Who is a creative person (not a writer) who has influenced you and your work?
The person that has influenced me and my work was my instructor, Mrs. Corine Hughely; it was through her that I majored in education, able to help children to achieve in their academics and help parents with any questions that they may have concerning their children. Mrs. Corine Hughely taught me how to be the best educator that I could be and to be very professional with it.
-What’s next for you? What are you working on now?
Author's For Children Reading Reading Room, INC is in its infancy stages at this time. However Author's For Children Room will be opening between now and 2019, so that I can promote reading, help children to read, build children's reading skills and focus on educational tools to enhance achievements for children. Author's For Children Reading Room is registered with the state of Maryland and holds a 501c3 certification.
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Books can be purchased on www.amazon.com and other retailers online under Author Dr. Moneshia Dashiell