“Not everyman can be famous, but everyman can be great!” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “When I first read those words from a memorial wall at South Carolina State University, I was touched,” Gathers said. “In life, sometimes all we can hold on to is words and a belief that they will manifest.” “Growing up, all I could do was dream.” These words continuously push Troy Gathers towards his dream to strive for excellence. When asked about his childhood, Troy explains how it has played a major role in his future; Troy said, “The pain from my past has prepared me for the future.” “In college though, I found that I was very different. I found that welfare and section 8 were foreign to some college students.” The entrepreneur said that he began to see his purpose for his upbringing; “I have the voice to help people grow through trials.” After graduating from South Carolina State University, Gathers sought out to be a voice for the young and an inspiration to all. “As a public speaker, I have the stage to reach people far and near with my message”, he says joyfully. I’ve actually spoken to inmates on a continuous basis across the state of South Carolina in penitentiaries.” I have spoken to groups ranging from age eight to forty. Since I am one with the generation it is possible to hold their attention throughout the entire speech,” Gathers said. “Knowing that the speaker went through a similar situation less than ten years ago allows the audience to leave with a sense that there is a way to overcome their present adversities.”
Exclusive interview
What inspired you to write the "Take Me With You” series?
I’ve been working on scholarly writing since grade school, but didn’t actually start my first book until after I graduated from college. I’ve always had a passion for writing and the concept of Take Me With You is my type of writing. I love to engage conversation and provoke thought.
What’s the most surprising thing you learned about yourself as a person while writing this book series?
I learned that I have a lot of ideas just sitting in my head that needed to be put to paper. All my book ideas are original ideas that I came up with, most have been on my mind for years. The reviews that I have received from my books have given me further initiative to keep writing more.
What has the response to the book been like so far?
The response has been great. What I like most about this particular book is the connectivity in everyone that reads the volume 2. I’ve had reviews from older and younger readers and they all say the same thing. They loved the book and it made them think about the people they are always hanging around.
With internet friends becoming so common, do you believe the internet and social media make it more difficult for people to build genuine relationships with others?
Yes, the answer to that question is yes. Also, the concept of internet friends has also damaged real friendships because people engage your relationship with how much you engage online. In today’s society, it’s like we are living in virtual reality or something.
In your book you use the story of Abraham and Lot to show the power of true friendship. Without giving away too much of the book, can you give five tips on how an individual can determine if they in fact have a true friendship with someone else.
Great question. Yes, besides what I’ve given in the book I would say just for this interview: 1. Loyalty, Support, Positivity, Genuineness in times of need and an eye of discernment. If someone has all 5 of these traits we may call them a true friend. Remember there are 7 types but a true friend is not flawed at all.
What message(s) do you hope your readers will take away from your book(s)?
The message that I want to give is in the eyes and minds of the reader. I gave you 7 characteristics in people. It will ultimately be up to you on the message. How you take these people once your eyes have been opened to their agendas for your life is solely your decision, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Who is a creative person who has influenced you and your work?
If you don’t mind, I would like to give 3. I’ll say Les Brown, Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar. In all respects, they’ve all written books but their primary artistry in which I became a follower was public speaking. All 3 of these men are dynamic in what they do and they inspired me so much. An honorable mention is Dr. Myles Monroe. A matter of fact, I would have to say 4 men because Dr. Monroe changed the way I looked at life at one point. If you’re reading this article, look these men up.
What’s next for you?
Next up, I have a book called African World History that I’m finishing up and of course Take Me With You has a Volume 3 that will be released in 2019. My next two book projects are both important to me and I will make sure I deliver once again to my readers. I want my writing to be timeless and my research to be unique so that even when a new generation arises they will find value in my words.
How can readers stay connected with you (social media pages, website, etc.)?
In conclusion, I want to thank everyone that has already purchased any of my books and for those who are about to purchase Take Me With You Volume 2, Thank You in advance.
You can find out more on me and my work at www.troygathers.com and Facebook.com/beyoupublishing. All book titles are available on Amazon.com
Take Me With You VOLUME 2: The 7 Types of Friends in your Life is the second installment in the Take Me With you series. Take Me With You (Volume 2) boldly explores the people in your life and challenges you to consider who they truly are. It is easy to call everyone your friend based solely on their presence, but The true measure of friendship is not weighed by attendance. Friendship is measured by their actual intentions.
Bio continued....
By the time Troy reached seventeen years old, he had attended seven different schools and lived in six different neighborhoods. To escape the everyday troubles of society, Troy focused on success. In High School, despite the constant moving Gathers still managed to join NJROTC, the newspaper staff, and Future Business Leaders of America to name a few. Gathers stated, “Because of the constant moving, I spent a lot of time wishing for stability and praying for strength. Throughout my life I remained positive and knew that if I continued on this path I would be successful. Given my life experiences, I am able to communicate and relate to the younger generation.” Once Gathers got settled at South Carolina State University he finally got a chance to show one body of students what he was capable of achieving. At South Carolina State University Gathers formed Intramural Sporting teams, served as the Vice President of freshman dormitory, joined the Young Democrats, SGA, wrote/directed two short films with students and made the grades for The National Deans List. Troy was also the host of the radio show B.E. Y.O.U. which aired on WSSB 90.3FM. (SCSU Radio) The show was based on positive individuals and their accomplishments. Gathers credits his focus at SCSU to his mother and mentors that assured his faith and head was always high. “Even in college people doubt you and try to bring you down, but I have special people that kept me focused on the big picture”. After successfully completing his MBA program, Troy is currently enrolled in the Public Policy and Administration PhD program. B.E. Y.O.U. is Troy’s Educational Lecture Program for the youth that promotes success in their lives. B.E. Y.O.U is Troy’s cry to the youth to be themselves and step out of the crowd. Under his B.E. Y.O.U. imprint, Gathers has published 3 book titles. In all of Gathers endeavors he keeps God first and only expects great things for the future.