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Dalandra Young and her Noonimals

Through her imaginative Noonimals characters, Author and illustrator Dalandra Young promotes to children that they can do, be and have anything they want in life if they believe. Creating her characters and books has been a labor of love for Dalandra, who has also pushed through hardships to achieve her lifelong dream of becoming a successful character creator and writer. On November 12, 2019, Noonimals – First Day of School hit #1 on the International Best Sellers list. It was a proud moment that Dalandra will never forget, but also one that validates her considerable talents nearly 33 years after creating her very first character, Dopy Dog!

Born January 20, 1973 in Newark N.J., Dalandra conceived Dopy Dog when she was just 14 years old and continued to draw him, along with 8 other characters created in her early 20s—all called Noonimals—for years to come. The name “Noonimals” originates from Dalandra’s nickname as a baby, which was Nooni.

Dalandra attended Arts High School in Newark for a short time before graduating from East Side High School. Even while working through everyday struggles of life and eventually raising children on her own, Dalandra never gave up on her dream for her Noonimals characters. When time allowed, she continued to revisit her characters and work on crafting new stories. Dalandra taught herself graphic design and digital art programs that allowed her to continually develop her characters—making them even more vibrant and attractive.

Dalandra landed her first publishing deal with a small Belgium company whose owner was forced, due to illness, to release Dalandra from her contract before the book could go public. Despite disappointment, she moved forward determined to be successful with her creativity.

After studying the Law of Attraction, Dalandra had a great idea to use her characters to teach children through imagination and adventure how to create their own reality using 7 steps that completely changed her life. Believing and knowing that they can do, be, and have anything they want is of paramount importance in achieving their true desires in life.

Thrilled by the positive reception her work has received, Dalandra took a year to turn each of her characters into 3D and looks forward to introducing many more new and wonderful books featuring the Noonimals. Her latest work, Noonimals - Believe is out now.


Tell us about your journey writing Noonimals.

I started creating my characters over 34 years ago when I was 14 years old. I finished all of the characters in my early 20’s and I always knew that I would use them to help children overcome fears and concerns with everyday situations they can relate to. At the age of 26, I became suicidal and curious as to what was real when it came to religion and I started my path of unlocking answers to questions I wondered for a long time. While raising my children and experiencing one challenge after the next, I went off my path slightly and my quest to learn was put on hold.

Several years passed and I was led to information on the Law of Attraction. I started experimenting and applying steps I learned throughout the years from audiobooks and online teachers to my everyday life. I began to see validations and proof that what I focused my attention on showed up in my experiences. I developed a habit of paying attention to my thoughts and feelings. Whenever unwanted thoughts entered my mind I would replace them with something that made me happy. My new ways of thinking changed my life. I realized I could use my characters to create a fun way to ease the journey of life starting at a young age and ultimately getting rid of the question that most people ask when they get older - Why am I here? I now use my characters to teach children mindfulness, well-being, and the Law of Attraction.

How would you describe the book?

This is a powerful book for a parent/ child or teacher/ student that introduces - The Law of Attraction and 7 incredible steps in becoming the best version of yourself. Five friends that are battling their own insecurities, use imagination to travel into another dimension called Land of Noonimals. Here lives an exciting new breed of characters that teach them through adventure, how to do, be, and have anything they want if they BELIEVE. It is not often to see children's books use the Law of Attraction as a focal point for any teachings but I believe my Noonimals are a perfect tool in teaching mindfulness and self-esteem issues that children can relate to and understand.

Who are the Noonimals and what is their primary goal?

The Noonimals’ primary goal in ‘Believe’ is to offer awareness to young readers on how powerful their minds are and that we become what we think. The characters teach children that they are all worthy of all that is. Noonimals are for everyone, they encourage unity and respect for all ages, races, genders, religions, and beliefs. They also focus on equality in everything we do as humans so that we all can have a happy and harmonious journey in life.

You started creating these characters when you were very young, how have they grown with you?

My Noonimals are very much a part of my life and my children's lives. They have gotten me through so many difficult times in my life because I was able to disengage from some of my reality and step into this other dimension to set my mind free from a lot of pain I was experiencing.

What would you say you learned from writing the book?

I learned that there is a big need for work like this and teaching our children this powerful universal law based on feedback I have been getting. I am so happy I was able to display this information in a creative, fun and colorful way.

What are some of the messages found in this new book?

  1. When the kids arrived in the Land, Moo-Lena displays a powerful message for respect for all religions and the existence of a higher power. She says, “We would first like to acknowledge the existence of a higher power. This is once a force in which all things are made. It does not matter what you call it, but the importance of its existence is key to all creation. Many groups will form and have many different names they call this higher power, but they should all be treated equally and with respect.”

  2. The children learn 7 Incredible steps in creating their own reality which is of paramount importance in achieving their true desires in life

  3. They learn how to use the Law of Attraction and how to become deliberate creators of their own experience.

  4. The children learn about meditation and how to clear their minds to receive inspiration

What would you like readers to take away from reading your book?

I want everyone reading this book to know I found this information to be true and I practice it every day. After thousands and thousands of hours of learning by listening to the words of countless teachers then applying what I have learned to my everyday life, I can honestly say - we create our own reality.

What can we expect from you next?

My next book is called “We Are Equal” and that encourages equality in all races and genders. That will be available in 2021.

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