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Exclusive Interview with author J. M. Pozon

J. M. Pozon is an award-winning author, writer, poet and novelist. A celebrated author in the literary community, she first garnered acclaim for her fiery romance novel "Setting Fire to the Darkness" and her soul awakening poetry book "Whiskey for the Wounded." In total she has written four books, the two most recent being her poetry books "Star Dust" and "Passion Fruit."

However, before getting submerged in the literary world of writing, she worked in the medical field for many years as a Surgical Technologist. She was also certified as a CPT, CMA CST and PCT. Skills she used, to help her mother co run their family owned medical trade school.

J. M. Pozon, whose given name is Jovahna Marie Pozon is the daughter of an African American mother and Filipino father. She is eldest of five and the proud mother of two teenage boys. She lives in Belleville, Michigan and in her free time enjoys being outdoors in nature. Jovahna considers herself somewhat of an outdoor survivalist. She loves camping, archery and has a pretty serious knife collection.

But, when it's time to relax, you'll most likely find her curled up, in front of the fire place, with a glass of sweet red wine in hand, as she reads a good book.


Please tell our readers a little about yourself and your writing background.

Hello, my name is Jovahna Marie, but I am probably better known by my pen name J.M. Pozon. A little bit about myself. I am a four-time published, award-winning author, writer, poet and novelist. I first garnered acclaim for my fiery romance novel “Setting Fire to the Darkness” and my soul awakening poetry book “Whiskey for the Wounded.” In total, I have written four books, my two most recent being Star Dust and Passion Fruit. Both available on Amazon & Barnes & Nobel.

Could you tell us a bit about your book and why it is a must-read?

Star Dust is a call to action, prompting women to remember and operate in their truest forms. The poems and quotes contained within the book serves to remind women of their worth, encouraging them to see themselves as more than flesh and bones. Star Dust teaches that we are soul, spirit and energy, limited only by our earthly bodies. It urges us, to acknowledge ourselves as spiritual beings, accepting the fact that housed within our fleshly domains, an entire universe resides. And once we understand the power, we hold within us, we can draw it out, use it to manifest all our hearts wants and desires.

What inspired you to write your book?

Like many other artists, heartbreak was the catalyst for creation. In my process of healing and trying to find myself again, I discovered a secret. And, excited, I wanted to share that discovery with other women around the globe. So, I set out on a mission, using, poems, and quotes to take women on a journey of spiritual Awakening and self-enlightenment.

What was the most challenging aspect of writing your book?

The hardest part for me is editing, cutting things out or condensing my manuscript. Sometimes, it’s hard to chip away at what you believe to be a masterpiece.

Do you have any unique or quirky writing habits?

Yes. lol. When, writing scenes with characters, I tend to act it out as the character.

How did you come up with the title for your book?

“Star Dust.” Steamed from the ideal, that we ourselves were like the stars of heaven. Beautiful, bright barely contained energy, amidst a vast universe.

Is there a message you want your readers to take away from your book?

To begin the quest of Self-enlightenment. Rid yourself of what you are not, in order to become what you were truly meant to be.

How can readers connect with you online?

J. M. Pozon have also been featured on Fox News, NBC and CBS:


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