Nick Shelton, the "connected introvert", has been fine-tuning the craft of effective, high-level social strategy and networking for twenty years. Beginning with his time in the United States Air Force, Nick learned skills that were indispensable to his journey. Coupled with extensive research and fifteen years of experience in the oil and gas industry, Nick finally cracked the code and developed tools that gave him the confidence to flourish in social situations. Nick has successfully built a strong, international network of friends, colleagues, and associates and continues to teach introverts how to upgrade their lives and lifestyles and navigate social events with ease.
Exclusive Interview
Hi Nick, please introduce yourself and tell us a little about what it is you do.
I'm Nick Shelton, the author of the book "An Introvert's Guide to World Domination"
The first half of my life I was extremely shy, introverted and socially awkward. Fortunately after reaching a breaking point, I discovered how to flip it around and have been fine-tuning the craft of effective, high-level social strategy and networking for twenty years. Beginning with my time in the United States Air Force, coupled with extensive research and fifteen years of experience in the oil and gas industry, I finally cracked the code and developed tools that gave me the confidence to flourish in social situations. I have now successfully built a strong, international network of friends, colleagues, and associates and currently teach introverts, shy and socially awkward people how to navigate social events with ease by breaking the process down into bite-sized steps made specifically for people like us (introverts).
Can you tell us a little more about your journey?
Sure, I was born in Texas but grew up in Colorado and was extremely shy and introverted. My family moved to Colorado from Texas when I was in the second grade and I started a new school. Being as shy as I was, I wasn’t talking so for some reason the teachers thought I was deaf and put me in the hearing impaired kid class. I don’t know why, I guess they didn’t know any better at the time. But it was actually pretty cool.
The fun ended about a week into it when my mom learned about it and explained to the teachers that I was not deaf, I was simply very shy and they put me back in “general population” , yes I used that prison term because that’s what it felt like being back in that mob of kids. As you can imagine, it sucked. That was the start of a long battle of social awkwardness and shyness.
Middle school and High school I had trouble fitting in and trouble talking to girls naturally.
When I got out of high school I figured if I could make some money, it would solve everything.
I became a commodity futures trader and was able to make quite a bit of money fairly quickly. But money didn’t help my social situation. I was the same guy, I just had nicer stuff.
Then I tried alcohol which worked a little bit but then you have to be drinking all the time and that comes with its own problems such as getting a reputation as a drunk dude.
I wanted to upgrade my life. I knew I could be better. I was tired of living in the shadows. I was tired of not being seen, heard, invited and included. Most of all I was tired of people underestimating me.
I had to find a way out.
You’ve heard the sayings “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”
“Your network is your net-worth” “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around so choose wisely”
Ok so…
Where do you find these 5 people? When you find them, how do YOU get there and when you get there, how do you actually connect with them?
I read the books and took the courses about networking and small talk. NONE of them worked for me. They weren’t designed for introverts, they were made for “normal” people, not people like us.
I was very depressed but I didn’t give up. I was determined to find a way.
I feel the “super power” of introverts is the power of observation. I started using this super power and started going out, out on the town by myself. I’d just sit and observe. I’d watch and study social interactions and dynamics between people. Taking what I learned, I put together a system for step by step socializing and networking techniques specifically for us introverts.
I applied it to myself and was able to build a very strong, close, high level, international network of friends, colleagues and associates which allows me to be able to do a lot of things most people don’t get to do.
I often get invited to high-end, exclusive events by and with like-minded people that I enjoy being around who enjoy being around me. And not just big events, small intimate parties, gatherings and experiences that I previously would not have even known existed or would not have been invited to. In addition to that I get access to investments and opportunities that I would not have been able to have before as well.
So I was able to network an entirely new life, a better life. A life where I am known, seen, included and respected. It’s my dream life!
What inspired you to write your book “An Introvert’s Guide to World Domination”?
I wrote the book because I wanted to show that it is possible to be an introvert and be wildly successful in a world that’s built by and for extroverts without compromising your integrity or your energy…so without burning out. I want to show introverts a way to access their best life and upgrade their lives and lifestyles through communication and networking techniques specifically designed for people like us.
Introverts are NOT extroverts and shouldn’t have to try to become one or act like them in order to get ahead and have access to our best lives.
How would you say the methods in your book stand apart from the other books and programs out there?
My book doesn’t have fluff or fillers and it is not based on theory. It is streamlined and to the point so as not to waste your time and give you what you need right now to get results right now. The techniques I teach in my book are designed specifically with the needs of introverts in mind and based off of what has worked for me personally and my students in real life, allowing us to build strong, close knit networks where we are seen, heard, accepted and respected by people we care about who also care about us. There is no faster way that I know of to upgrade your life and social status than to surround yourself with people who are high achievers that bring out the best in you whose successful habits you will pick up simply by being in the right places and connecting.
Can you share with us a specific, actionable tactic from the book?
Sure, this is a way for a person to instantly make themselves look calm, confident and approachable in any social setting. It’s a move I call “Duke Cookie Face.”
When it comes to confidence, body language is key (even if you don’t feel it on the inside) and it makes a HUGE difference in how you are received by those around you. Here’s how it works…Think of a duke or duchess -- a noble person. How would they sit? You’re not the king, so you don’t have the stress and worries of running stuff, but you’re still pretty high up there – so that’s how you’re going to sit. You’re important! Good posture, but not stiff. Then, there’s your face. Imagine: you arrive at your best friend’s house, walk in the door, and are hit with the smell of fresh-baked cookies. You love cookies, and you know they’re going to offer you some. So, your facial expression would be “I’m about to be offered some cookies. Cookies are coming.” It’s a smile from within. That’s the look you’re going for. Put those two ideas together and you have “Duke Cookie Face” this is hands down the easiest move with the biggest immediate impact. Master it, and I promise you’ll be drawing warm attention at every event you attend.
Do you have to be an introvert to benefit from your techniques?
Excellent question! The answer is NO, although my techniques were designed with an introvert’s strengths and weaknesses in mind, anyone who wants to advance their social standing as well as be more confident, comfortable and approachable in all manners of social situations will benefit from these techniques.
What inspires you to do what you do?
I am truly passionate about this mission.
I know firsthand how depressing it can be to be invisible and live in the shadows all the while knowing you can do and be so much more if you only knew HOW.
I wanted to matter, to have a voice, be included, invited, noticed and have access to the best opportunities and people. And after I learned that it was all possible through networking and there was nothing I could find out there that was designed specifically for introverts to do this, I knew I was the one that had to do it.
Since I was successfully able to do it for myself as well as show some of my socially awkward and shy friends how to do it too, I knew this was my calling. I believe if you can network and navigate social situations smoothly, you can have anything you want.
Plus, it’s great meeting new people and learning about them. Everyone has a story and it is so interesting to learn the similarities and differences between us. I really love making that connection and sharing a moment in time with someone new or someone I’ve known my whole life. Making the connections and seeing others do it as well. That’s what it’s all about.
That’s what keeps me going.
Fantastic! So tell us, how can people find out more about you or find your new book?
My book “An Introvert’s Guide to World Domination” can be found on at this link:
And you can find out more about me and the programs I offer at
Or e-mail me at:
It is possible to be an introvert and be wildly successful in a world that’s built by and for extroverts without compromising your integrity or your energy. An Introvert's Guide to World Domination shows introverts a way to access their best life and upgrade their lives and lifestyles through communication and networking techniques specifically designed with the introvert's needs in mind.
Introverts are NOT extroverts and shouldn’t have to try to become one or act like them in order to get ahead and have access to their best lives.
By breaking the process down into bite-sized steps, Nick Shelton offers practical, reliable strategies for forming lasting connections with others. You will improve your confidence, strengthen your relationships, and gain access to people and opportunities you’ve never had before.