E. M. Sorensen did not start writing professionally until he was seventy-five. Although some might say he came late to the game, the author has quickly made up for lost time. He is the author of three novels, The Purloined Pint, The Unusual Life of Paulie Zahn and The First Child. Perhaps as interesting as Sorensen taking up the pen in his seventies, is his chosen genre – the paranormal, specifically vampires. Explaining that he believe vampire tales have become pretty much cookie cutter, at least when it comes to their physical attributes, he set out to develop an entirely new description of a vampires and their abilities. We caught up with the author for this exclusive interview.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing my first ever anything, The Purloined Pint, which was my first book eleven years ago, The Unusual Life of Paulie Zahn a year later and The First Child eight months after that.
How many books have you written?
Tell us a bit about your book, “The Unusual Life of Paulie Zahn.”
Paulie Zahn enlisted in the Army upon graduation from High School and was on her third tour in Afghanistan as a helicopter electronics specialist. She had rotated back to the USA where she finished her enlistment and went to work at the Boing Museum at the airfield south of downtown Seattle. One night she was attacked by an unusual being that initiated her conversion to becoming a Vampire. This is her story of the learning and understanding of what is entailed with being something special.
What got you interested in writing about the paranormal, particularly vampires?
I have always gravitated to science fiction and in the last thirty years have narrowed my reading to the paranormal, mainly stories about the magic and mystery of vampires. that had become my genre of choice.
How would you say your book differs from others in that genre?
The persona or stigma of a Vampire had become pretty much cookie cutter when it comes to their physical attributes. I set out to develop an entirely new description of a vampire's abilities. No longer are they threatened by religious objects, no food restrictions, they have to breathe, eat regular food, and have a normal heartbeat. Just like you and me. Well, not completely. The major difference is their need for human blood, how much, how often and most importantly - why. My explanations do make reasonable and acceptable sense which create the possibility that vampires may very well exist.
What surprised you most about writing this book?
It was the large number of friends and relatives from a wide variety of educational and social backgrounds and a spread of ages that i had read my manuscripts. Their enjoyment of my stories was the catalyst that propelled me to take this ability and peruse it.
What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
The pure enjoyment of reading a novel that has as it a main character that they were not previously interested in perusing. A story that contains my snark and humor that takes possession of the readers interest outside of their previous predilection of staying away from this genre of stories that they were usually disinterested in.
Are you currently working on any other projects?
Yes! Of course I am. I am too egotistical to drop the writing. I see a level of acceptance that I never thought obtainable. Novel #4 will include some of the characters of my earlier works just because I have come to love them for their individualisms and lovability.
You can learn more at: www.esandco.com